Breast Feeding Baby at 6 Weeks

Things You Should Know About The First 6 Weeks Of Breastfeeding

Things You Should Know About The First 6 Weeks Of Breastfeeding

Read on to find out what you should know about the first six weeks of breastfeeding, problems to be aware of, and where to get extra support when you need it:

Very often, a new breastfeeding mum may not actually realise she is having a problem with breastfeeding!

Problems present themselves as one or more of the following: Sore/damaged nipples, painful feeding, painful breasts, baby feeding around the clock or the baby not gaining weight.

This might seem like a strange thing to say, but it happens because many new mums don't realise that breastfeeding is meant to be comfortable and easy, they think it is meant to hurt or be exhausting; so they just put up with it all and try and tough it out.

This scenario results in a lot of stress for mum and can easily lead to her giving up breastfeeding prematurely.

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Understanding breastfeeding

Rather than focus on specific breastfeeding problems, I feel it is really important to understand what the normal parameters for breastfeeding are. Then if these normal parameters aren't being met, the mum can recognise it early and get help as soon as possible.

It is imperative that she gets skilled breastfeeding help, because allowing the problem to continue will jeopardise breastfeeding success.

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Parameters For Normal Breastfeeding For The First Six Weeks:

  • When the baby latches on breastfeeding is comfortable and pain-free (from the first feed onward)
  • There is no routine – a feeding pattern will emerge after about six weeks. Feeds will vary in length from 10 minutes to 50 minutes per feeding session.
  • Baby will suck and swallow through most of the feeding session, but there will be pauses as well.
  • A baby will feed at least eight to 10 times in a 24 hour period but there can be many more than this and sometimes there will only be ten minutes between feeds.
  • The baby will feed a lot in the evenings/nights for the first six weeks.
  • The baby should fall asleep on the breast at the end of the feed or come off satisfied and content.
  • The baby should be doing at least three poos per day, and at least six wet nappies per day.
  • Baby should be gaining four to six ounces (140grams to 210grams) per week for the first three months.
  • Baby should be content for a lot of the day (not crying) however some crying is normal with a new baby.
  • The breasts should not be painful – (except around three to four days after the birth when the milk comes in).
  • Breastfeeding is quite time-consuming in the first six weeks, and then it gets much much easier.

This is a basic benchmark for normal breastfeeding, if a new mum isn't sure that her breastfeeding is meeting these criteria, she may have a breastfeeding problem and needs to get help as soon as possible.

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Finding breastfeeding support

In Ireland at present, the best person to get help from is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). An IBCLC is specially trained to help mums resolve breastfeeding problems and most hospitals will have breastfeeding clinics run by IBCLC's.

There are also IBCLC's in private practice and you can find one in your area by going to their website There are also breastfeeding support groups run by volunteer organisations who are skilled at helping the mum with basic problems.

The key to successful breastfeeding is early recognition of problems and early intervention so that mum can get back on track to comfortable and enjoyable breastfeeding!

Editor's Note: While most classes and support groups are not currently operating face-to-face breastfeeding support due to COVID-19, many are offering recorded or live classes online.

New mums will still get support during their hospital stay, and Public Health Nurses may do a mixture of home visits and telephone consultations.

Though Cuidiú activities are cancelled, breastfeeding counsellors and Parent to Parent supporters are still available for help over the phone; and you can still contact your local La Leche League Leader by phone or on social media. You can also get help from HSE lactation consultants.

Volunteer Breastfeeding Support Groups with trained counsellors:


You can find out more from Clare Boyle at She is currently offering live online antenatal classes at a reduced rate to enable as many women to get this vital information; as well as offering Preparing for Breastfeeding classes online, and doing online breastfeeding consultations.

Read Next: 10 Essential Breastfeeding Tips For New Mums

You can find out more in our Breastfeeding section.


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