Reviews of the Humane Society of the United States


seandixon General Member of the Public

Rating: 1


My wife was attacked past a domestic dog over the weekend in Jacksonville, FL. The dog was being fostered for the holidays by a very nice lady. We went to encounter him Sat to potentially adopt because we wanted to add to our family and have a buddy for our dog. When the foster opened their door the dog attacked my married woman. He was on a leash. He gave no alarm. He just squeezed past the foster and attacked. Afterwards we left to go to the hospital the foster immediately took the canis familiaris dorsum to the Humane Gild. She was apologetic, very concerned for my wife, and stated if she had known the dog was ambitious she never would take fostered him and never would have permit us come over to come across him.

The Humane Order on the other paw has been anything but concerned. Their attention and concern has been more for the dog instead of people. When asked what their plans are for the dog they stated they are assessing him. When asked if they were going to cover our out of pocket medical bills they said it was the fosters responsibility and not theirs because the foster signed a waiver. The Humane Society wants us to become afterwards an private who was doing them a favor instead of stepping up to the plate to assistance.

Well in the land of Florida the law states the owner is 100% responsible when a canis familiaris bites someone. I ask the Humane Lodge who owned the dog. They brash me they practice. When I informed them of the constabulary they back pedaled slightly and said to send them the bill and they would see if they could work something out. When I asked if they had liability insurance they would not respond my question and once again said the foster signed a waiver. When I asked them to send me their evaluation forms/documentation for the canis familiaris they refused. When I asked for their insurance companies contact info they refused.

So exist warned. If you foster an animal you lot know nothing nigh from the Humane Society and in good faith bring that animal into your home believing they accept done their due diligence; THINK Once more. Considering if something goes wrong they WILL try to button their responsibility dorsum on you.


bigjoe1979 Full general Member of the Public

Rating: five

My domestic dog needs surgery to remove a tumor from his palet extruding out the front of the mouth. Im on ssi disability an tin't afford the neb which is virtually $3000.00.

Delight aid me
Joseph Oswalt
Lake Providence LA

I have a gofundme folio to try to get coin for it just only ane person donated
Please help before its also late


Writer General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 4

I'm certain you are aware of the many cases of u.s.a. marshalls shooting dogs when raiding a habitation, who impose no threats to them. Is there annihilation you, other organizations and the public tin do to help prevent this cruel and unnecessary practice?

Sadly, the national arrangement seems to be just to benefit the people who run it. they do almost cipher for local animate being shelters. Please support your local animal shelter, non these bureaucrats.

DogLover84 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The Humane Society of the U.s. does then much for animals, it is quite listen-boggling! For about any creature issue you can think of, HSUS has some programme working towards their protection and care. From breaking up dog fights to shutting down puppy mills to exposing the horrors of factory farms to preventing animal cruelty through legislation, they work tirelessly to care for the creatures that practice not have a voice. I of the best things nearly HSUS is that they are not farthermost or radical - they are not trying to make the unabridged world vegan nor are they trying to go all hunting banned. They just want all animals to be treated with a modicum of humanity and respect during their time on this planet. They provide hands-on care to hundreds of thousands of animals through their animate being care centers across the nation, they provide vaccinations and spay/neutering for free to low-income pet owners, they rescue pets after natural disasters and they provide grooming and education to shelters, law enforcement and other animal handlers all over the country. The HSUS has had an impact on more animals than any other organization in the world and without them, millions of animals would no longer be on this earth. I am and then grateful that these caring and compassionate people dedicate their lives to ensuring the protection, respect and care of the animals in this world. Nosotros need more than people to donate their time and coin to this incredible organization so that they can continue to make historical progress for animals. Thanks HSUS for all that you do - you lot are true heroes!

19 LousyWithLove

LousyWithLove General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: i

How does a three out of 5 star charity get "Pinnacle Rated" condition for 2015? Past posting a overflowing of scripted 5 star reviews during the designated time period. Hither's the truth:

Whatever clemency that sends over $55 million in just ane twelvemonth to Caribbean hedge funds - more than than 35 percent of HSUS's budget for 2014 - is a scam. Any prospective donor needs only to read their latest taxation return, page 38) for that shocking fact. And that makes over $107 million in tax complimentary dollars sitting in the Cayman Isle, all funneled there betwixt 2012 and 2014.

Anyone thinking of working at HSUS, don't believe the HSUS scripted 5 star reviews below. Read the terrible comments from people who really worked there - and some who are notwithstanding stuck working there - on Glassdoor. HSUS is definitely not "peak-rated" at that reality-based website.


BKRDAVE36 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1


(http://world wide

Earlier in July, word got out that America's not-profit media darling, the Humane Society of the United States, ran into a bit of bad luck. And when we say bad luck, we hateful they finally got what was coming to them. Their fingerprints were all over the movie Blackfish and they're currently leading the smear campaign against aquariums to raise money for their own selfish interests.

When y'all remember of the HSUS yous automatically remember of the saintly arrangement that operates shelters nationwide and saves hundreds of thousands of animals, the organisation that stands up for the adorable and abused animals in Television set commercials, and above all y'all probably believe this is the organization that big-hearted brute lovers should donate to. Correct?

Wrong. All those associations are consummate crap.

The HSUS has historically bragged about their iv-star rating from Clemency Navigator, one of the nigh trust-worthy charity evaluators in the game. Recently, they were downgraded to a iii-star rating and now their rating has been completely revoked, a "Donor Informational" alert taking its place.

The deceiving game of bait-and-switch has been played for years, with the HSUS inviting misplaced associations betwixt themselves and local animal shelters (sometimes chosen Humane Societies). To put this in perspective, let's break down what this despicable organization did to motivate you lot to achieve for your wallet and fork over millions of dollars to a corrupt "charity".

A film crew would go to a local humane gild pet shelter and motion-picture show some of the cute, cuddly, driveling animals that volunteers dedicate their lives to rescuing. Those commercials would air on national telly, pulling on America's heartstrings and leading unsuspecting viewers to believe that the HSUS had a hand in rescuing that creature or providing intendance after the rescue.

Want the truth? The HSUS didn't have annihilation to exercise with rescuing that animal. They didn't provide medical assistance or intendance for that animal and that poor creature won't see a penny of your donation. They scandalously only requite ane% of their upkeep to local pet shelters and the HSUS doesn't fifty-fifty operate one pet shelter of its own. Yep, you read that correctly. Even though 85% of their fundraising propaganda features shelter animals, they practise non operate a single local pet shelter.

Bank check out this national commercial featuring Wendie Malick. But while you're watching, keep in heed what nosotros just told you. Feeling deceived yet?

Now you lot might be wondering, "Where exactly do those donations go?" Hither's a hint.

In June, the Charity Navigator donor advisory warning went public. : "The advisory notifies website visitors of the $15.75 1000000 settlement of a racketeering and bribery lawsuit that HSUS was a part of last month."

Also according to, you can read more than nigh that settlement hither, simply the lawsuit involved HSUS money allegedly paying a witness who lied to a federal court. Yikes.

Bated from the lawsuit, information technology has come to light that the HSUS diligently moved money to several funds in the Cayman Islands, calling them "investments". Nosotros're pretty sure that moving $26 million to offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands is called stashing coin. And information technology'due south shady as hell.

The HSUS has essentially operated under the aforementioned donation-guise every bit PETA, where a large portion of their funding comes from people who are clueless most their real agenda. The time has come for American citizens to open their optics and terminate allowing the HSUS to misuse their hard-earned money.

In fact, PETA and the HSUS are driving the anti-captivity movement not for the welfare of animals, merely to make money for themselves. They use and deceive people to promote corrupt agendas and the Cayman Island accounts confirm just how rotten this system has become.

So if you intendance about puppies and kittens, every bit opposed to lobbyists and corrupt organizations, transport your donations to local pet shelters instead of the HSUS. The animals will thank you for it.

Review from Guidestar


PittsburghGma General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have seen starting time-hand the incredible impact The HSUS has had for animals all over the country (and the earth through Humane Society International). They are an inclusive arrangement who works with people from all walks of life who care about fauna protection issues - everything from spay and neuter issues, ending the use of gas chambers, banning bullhooks, protecting elephants and rhinos suffering from the ivory trade, working to ban the almost egregious practices in the manufactory farming industry, increasing animal fighting penalties, protecting our country'south horses, etc. (I could go on - the list of all of the issues they work on is extremely extensive). My family, friends and I dearest their good piece of work and support their efforts. Give thanks you, HSUS!


spcaman General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I have stopped altruistic to this organization. They have paid $15 1000000 of donated funds in a scandal associated with the Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering (RICO) suit. Wayne Pacelle, CEO, Mike Markarian, VP, John Lovvorn, VP have all been accused of illicit witness payments. The Clemency Navigator has suspended it'south rating of HSUS and recommends donors re-evaluate their donations.

17 Kelly FitzP

Kelly FitzP Full general Fellow member of the Public

Rating: i

If you want to know the truth about HSUS, just download their annual tax returns on Guidestar, then do the math yourself similar I did. You lot don't have to be an auditor to figure out that LESS THAN Ane Percent of the money this arrangement receives each year goes to assistance shelter animals. You will meet that the rest of the money is going in the pockets of executives, lobbyists, attorneys and employee pension funds, and of course to make those heartbreaking commercials showing the sorry eyed puppies and kittens in shelters, with their paws reaching through their cages and making you believe that if yous send money to HSUS, you will help save those little lives. If y'all review their tax returns, you volition see that they practise not have a shelter and they are not out saving shelter animals as they would like you to believe from their commercials. Read their Revenue enhancement Returns and do the math ~ it is all at that place. Giving the impression that they save shelter pets is but a marketing angle devised to play on your emotions, break your centre, and make you lot reach for your check volume. If you want to help shelter animals, donate to your local shelter or rescue group ~ they always demand pet nutrient, cat litter and assist paying veterinary expenses. Sign up to be a volunteer, foster, or adopt a shelter pet and save a life.

1 alldogs1970

alldogs1970 Full general Member of the Public

Rating: v

The Humane Order of the The states does incredible work for all animals - from dogs to seals, elephants to pigs, and all living beings in betwixt! I've been encouraging all of my friends and family to donate.


Animal Rights General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 1

Statistics show that the HSUS only gives 1% of the publics donations to local pet shelters. They practice some proficient, merely donating direct to a shelter is more worth your time and money. Large groups like the HSUS do assist, though smaller shelters and rescue groups are more efficient and thankful (knowing from personal experience). Donate to local groups instead!

1 Suzi3

Suzi3 Full general Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Of all the organizations to protect animals, I come across HSUS as the i with the almost impact. They have a lot of support and they accept a very practical approach. They're really getting information technology done, using moderate avenues. This is the one I cull to support with my time and money.


Tigre General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

We have the ability to build a new consensus, which rejects killing equally a method for achieving results. And we can look forward to a fourth dimension when the wholesale slaughter of animals in shelters is viewed equally a cruel aberration of the past. Nosotros have a choice. Nosotros can fully, completely, and without reservation cover No Kill as our future. Or we can proceed to legitimize the two-pronged strategy of failure: adopt a few and kill the rest. Information technology is a choice which history has thrown upon us. We are the generation that questioned the killing. We are the generation that has discovered how to end it. Volition we be the generation that does?

"Sometimes information technology falls upon a generation to be slap-up. We tin be that great generation."

The HSUS is simply the largest, nearly constructive system in the U.s.a. working for real and meaningful positive change in our treatment of all other animals.

Previous Stories

The fact that Richard Berman's front groups, Humanewatch, No Kill Nation and petakills animals sends its' members over here to try to harm the HSUS ratings is all the proof I need that the HSUS is the most effective creature welfare arrangement in the world.

Read more

The Humane Guild is the preeminent animal welfare organization in the globe.

It is the primary target of the almost wealthy anti-creature welfare organizations and ag groups. That in itself should tell yous how well they do what they practice.

I am a proud fellow member and abet for HSUS. I am very thankful to accept them fighting for the animals. They do then many good things for all animals, and I look frontward to helping them in the future.

Previous Stories

John Braumann General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am grateful for organizations such as the Humane Guild. They are constantly addressing issues of interest to me. I am glad to say that this twelvemonth I chose to donate to HSUS and I feel my coin is well spent given they accost a multitude of problems and very well at that. I highly recommend them and wait forward to standing my support for them adjacent year and beyond.

32 PBHRescue

PBHRescue Full general Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 1

First, people demand to be aware that the HSUS is a LOBBYIST GROUP... They are strictly for Animal RIGHTS (Big difference than Animal Welfare). They donate less than 1% of their donations to the bodily Humane Societies and other Shelters which is unacceptable because their tear jerker commercials of dogs needing help. Also, it is very well documented that they do Not support "Pit Bulls"... Any canis familiaris fighting raids they are a office of, they very vocally and to the Judge land conspicuously they want ALL the dogs destroyed including the new born puppies!! HSUS have proven to be no friend of the Pit Bulls by calling for their destruction! They called for ALL of Mike Vick's dogs to be killed! Fortunately for those Dogs, other Organizations stepped up to save the dogs! HSUS wants an end to all pet ownership. DONATE TO YOUR LOCAL HUMANE SOCIETIES and Rescues and other Local Organizations! They are Not affiliated with the HSUS!!


pets4life Full general Member of the Public

Rating: i

I was very disappointed to find that money we donated for Katrina victims was largely "banked" by HSUS. They spent a very modest portion of donations in LA and kept the king of beasts's share for themselves. I now know that this is the way they operate, using a "bait & switch" method of fund raising , using tragedies to obtain money for bloated pensions, political donations and lobbying.

Review from Guidestar

I have only read a lot of negative comments nigh Wayne Pacelle and The Humane Gild of US. Only 1% of donations goes to shelters. Pacelle doesn't like animals. He was/is a supporter of Michael Vick. True or false?

Review from Guidestar


hstephens General Member of the Public

Rating: i

If you want to help animals donate to your local no kill shelters. To learn more about where your money really goes when you donate to HSUS, visit


Arcship General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 5

HSUS is an incredibly effective and strong animal welfare organization. It reaches members of the public from all sectors, and targets about every animal abuse imaginable. Though they help with on-the-ground work, the HSUS is also capable of fighting for animals in a very dissimilar arena: the government. They have helped to pass laws, bans, and ordinances that benefit animals and people alike. Rather than pick upwardly the pieces, they hit cruelty at the source.

I love seeing their bills passed. I love getting the e-mail updates. I am completely satisfied with where my money is going.


Twigleaf General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Whoever threw this charity in the mixed, has hoodwinked you, simply every bit bad as PETA hoodwinks yous. Please , when you donate, acquire the difference betwixt the HSUS and the AHA, amid other "Similarly named charities". Since they accept to release their financial records equally a charitable non profit, information technology has been shown that in the past their actual donations to fauna shelters are every bit low equally 1% of their yearly income. Figures based on a 2010 report, where $187,515,301.00 that the group raked in , merely ane% seen its way to actually helping starving or homeless animals at shelters.
When people speak of this charity, its really a misnomer for an activist group rivaling PETA. In fact, this group is listed as #ii to four, on the superlative 10 dirty'est charities when dealing with animals.
If you like being mislead, and your donation misused, pocketed, while someone preaches to you lot they are fighting the skillful fight and you believe it, and so this charity is for you. If yous want to practise it correct, but go down to your local beast shelter, and make a donation to them. Purchase nutrient, assistance fund pet population problems, and humane treatment of animals. Just look at the reviews, and you lot tin see very fast that something virtually this group but doesn't add upwardly, while most if ot all of the others are garnerng 5 star support. STAY away from these frauds.


aussieTN General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

The HSUS is nada but a lobbying group that bullies the agriculture industry. They give i% of every dollar to actually helping animals. Their ads look similar they are helping animals merely they don't. If you want to help animals, donate to the ASPCA and local shelters. They're the ones that need the coin.

8 CindynDale T.

CindynDale T. General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

HSUS is the near under handed mendacious organization, lieing to the public to generate funds at $xix.00 a month with less than 1/ii of 1% of in that location money spent on the protection of animals, they do not run or fund any animal shelters, they will use any desaster to generate fund and and then only a small % to do what it'south raised for, get the true picture log onto to humanewatch and encounter for yourself. How can they be rated as a 4 star organization?

Review from CharityNavigator


beanski Full general Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I'm thrilled that someone posted the address for as a reason to dislike HSUS considering now I've decided to donate to HSUS! is a faux "watchdog" site run past Center for Consumer Freedom, which is a lobbying group run by Richard Berman, a lobbyist for the fast-food, meat, alcohol and tobacco industries. Anyone that CCF hates must be doing something right, especially since they've developed an entire faux website devoted to bashing them!

Likewise, the HSUS mission is Non to run shelters. It is to improve the lives of all animals beyond the board. Information technology's apples and oranges, folks. Donate to the HSUS for a broad reach, and your local shelters for a neighborhood mitzvah.


Darle General Member of the Public

Rating: 2

I am responding to the person who wrote in on Nov eleven, 2012 questioning the math on the financials and making the annotate that Clemency Navigator seemed to be favoring HSUS. Possible caption is the last notation on HSUS folio on Charity Navigator - "This charity has an official respresentative registered at Charity Navigator" - ? But a question....

Previous Stories


Darle General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Everyone needs to know this about HSUS. I institute this on the internet today (8-9-2012). I was researching HSUS afterwards the agonizing article I read in the Humane Farming Assn magazine about them and the double-cross y the CEO of HSUS, Pacelle, who supposedly killed the Washington and Oregon anti-muzzle election measures on chicken bombardment cages. The following article is published by the Center for Consumer Liberty ( I am copying it here with their permission. Also check out the articles most HSUS and Pacelle on the Humane Farming website. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"ix Things You Didn't Know About HSUS

one. The Humane Society of the Usa scams Americans out of millions of dollars through manipulative and deceptive advertising. An analysis of HSUS's TV fundraising appeals that ran betwixt January 2009 and September 2011 determined that more than than 85 percentage of the animals shown were cats and dogs. Nevertheless, HSUS doesn't run a unmarried pet shelter and simply gives 1 percent of the money it raises to pet shelters, and it has spent millions on anti-farming and anti-hunting political campaigns.

2. HSUS receives poor charity-evaluation marks. CharityWatch (formerly the American Institute of Philanthropy) reissued HSUS'due south "D" rating in Dec 2011, finding that HSUS spends as little as 49 per centum of its budget on its programs. Additionally, the 2011 Fauna People News Watchdog Study discovered that HSUS spends well-nigh 43 percentage of its budget on overhead costs.

3. Six Members of Congress have called for a federal investigation of HSUS. In April 2011, six Congressmen wrote the IRS Inspector General showing concerns over HSUS's attempts to influence public policy, which they believe has "brought into question [HSUS's] tax-exempt 501(c)(three) status."

4. HSUS regularly contributes more to its own pension plan than it does to pet shelters. An assay of HSUS's tax returns determined that HSUS funneled $sixteen.iii million to its executive pension plan between 1998 and 2009—over $1 million more than HSUS gave to pet shelters during that period.

5. The pet sheltering community believes HSUS misleads Americans. According to a nationally representative poll of 400 animal shelters, rescues, and animal control agencies, 71 percent agree that "HSUS misleads people into thinking it is associated with local beast shelters." Additionally, 79 percentage agree that HSUS is "a good source of confusion for a lot of our donors."

6. While it raises money with pictures of cats and dogs, HSUS has an anti-meat vegan agenda. Speaking to an fauna rights briefing in 2006, HSUS's then vice president for farm animal issues stated that HSUS's goal is to "become rid of the entire [animal agriculture] industry" and that "we don't want any of these animals to be raised and killed."

7. Given the massive size of its budget, HSUS does relatively piddling hands-on care for animals. While HSUS claims it provides directly care to more animals than any other fauna protection group in the US, almost of the "care" HSUS provides is in the form of spay-neuter assistance. In fact, local groups that operate on considerably slimmer budgets, such as the Houston SPCA, provide directly care to just as many or more than animals than HSUS does.

viii. HSUS's CEO has said that convicted dogfighting kingpin Michael Vick "would do a good job as a pet owner." Following Vick's release from prison, HSUS has helped "rehabilitate" Michael Vick'due south public image. Of course, a $50,000 "grant" from the Philadelphia Eagles didn't injure.

9. HSUS's senior management includes a former spokesman for the Animate being Liberation Front (ALF), a criminal group designated as "terrorists" by the FBI. HSUS president Wayne Pacelle hired John "J.P." Goodwin in 1997, the same year Goodwin described himself as "spokesperson for the ALF" while he fielded media calls in the wake of an ALF arson attack at a California meat processing plant. In 1997, when asked by reporters for a reaction to an ALF arson fire at a farmer's feed co-op in Utah (which most killed a family unit sleeping on the premises), Goodwin replied, "We're ecstatic."

Want testify? Vist: * *

Revised Feb 2012. Complete sources and documentation bachelor upon request. " Reviewer comment: While I don't believe all of this information is negative, it seems to me that people should be enlightened of it earlier making a decision to donate.

Review from CharityNavigator

You know, what really bothers me about some of the reviews I have read hither is this... Most of them sound EXACTLY like the accusations I take heard against other animal rights organizations. Almost all of their so-chosen facts tin can easily exist fact checked and found to be lies. I am an auditor past profession and please know if you are concerned about where your donations get non-profits that are not religious affiliations are required to disclose their financial statements. You lot can check for yourself! As for HSUS not supporting any shelters they happen to run several shelters in my abode state. That is proverb a lot since my state ranks very low in animal rights laws. No i is trying to have away domesticated animals for goodness sakes! If you are actually interested in what HSUS does here is a link to their financial statements.
Don't mind to the naysayers. They are probably the ones abusing the animals.

14 Elaine10

Elaine10 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

The HSUS is not an animal welfare organization. They are an animal rights organisation whose goals are to destroy creature ownership and convenance. They donate less than one per centum of their income to animals in demand and the bulk of their money is spent lobbying legislators to make it impossible for ranchers to go along to raise the nutrient supply for this country. They are under inverstigation for violation of the RICO deed. They practice not meet the standards to be a 501c clemency. They mislead the public and spend their money on photo ops during disasters and then leave town and they sure dont get out the coin at that place to help the rescuers. Delight go to and do your own investigating. Search the net fro Katrina/HSUS and make your own educated choice. Donate directly to local rescue and shelters then the money goes to assist the animals.

Review from CharityNavigator


doppster General Member of the Public

Rating: i

If you donate to HSUS, you are funneling a chunk of that money to some of the sleaziest professional fundraising companies in the globe. Quadriga Art (Google CNN's investigation of them) and Share Grouping (shut down last twelvemonth for fraudulent reporting) are ii of their many liars for hire. CharityWatch, the Einstein of charity watchdogs (Charity Navigator is the Paris Hilton of the bunch), gives HSUS a D for spending 48% of our taxpayer-subsidized donations on fundraising. Creature rights newpaper Animal People concurs, noting that direct mail solicitations requesting money are fundraising, not charitable services. How difficult is this concept? In 2002, Worth Magazine spent 6 months investigating American charities to find the 100 Best and 10 Worst. Worth'due south sources included Clemency Watch. HSUS was i of the 10 worst. Three years agone, Worth, no longer an investigative magazine, spent around an hour compiling a list of the 10 most financially efficient charities. Their simply source: Kim Kardashian aka Clemency Navigator. HSUS made that list. When you promote or reward groups like HSUS, you are keeping crooked mail service mills and telefundraisers in business; yous are betraying the donor public and you are diverting money away from the intended beneficiaries. I'm embarrassed for Great Nonprofits and Charity Navigator.


YvonneNavarro General Member of the Public

Rating: i

I am shocked and outraged that anyone would listing the HSUS as #1 on Whatsoever list of great nonprofits, or fifty-fifty VALID nonprofits. I won't post links. Instead, I invite anyone who reads this review to simply blazon the words "the truth about HSUS" into Google, Bing, or whatsoever other search engine. Pick a link, and do it wisely-- choose the animal rescue organizations that post almost it rather than those you think might be doubtable. You lot'll notice your dollars are used for everything BUT animal rescue. The HSUS doesn't operate a single shelter, not 1. They charge shelters for their materials, and abet euthanasia over adoption. Cheque their statistics. They go hand in hand with PETA, another organization that is anything only advocating FOR animals and would rather see them killed than involved with humans in whatever way. Search for euthanasia statistics and HSUS and encounter that they kill near-- not some-- just Well-nigh of the animals turned over to them. If you've got the guts and temerity, you'll end up with images of animals kills en masse at the orders of HSUS. HSUS has tried to clean up its worsening prototype lately past "doing proficient," only those efforts don't erase the true face behind this terrible system. Consider the info on this page: and practise your own research before you throw your coin into the money-sucking completeness that is the Humane Lodge of the United states.

Jenifer Steele General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This organization helps animals locally by working for (and passing) legislation that protects ALL animals of a certain class, such as animals raised in factory farms or in puppy mills. They besides provide straight care to many abused animals. They do a great chore, as documented in their very well-written magazine. People who misunderstand their mission do animals no favor past running them down. Who else is working on a national level to prevent animate being corruption? Who else is in a position to rescue animals when natural disaster strikes? Nosotros need a national system as much every bit we need local ones.


mame95 Full general Member of the Public

Rating: one

HSUS is Not in the concern of animal welfare, but animal rights. HSUS does Non support your local animal shelter, does Non actively salve dogs and cats (despite their fundraising advertisement and their carefully orchestrated photo ops) and DOES spend more than of their fundraising dollars funding their pension fund than they do on actively helping animals. They see their education requirement as a 501c3 with the single phrase "Spay/Neuter your pet." HSUS gets an "F" from Information technology'due south the grade they deserve. Unfortunately, HSUS has a lot of negative impact on animals and people everywhere.

Review from CharityNavigator


cspider General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 1

My issue with the HSUS is that through those heart wrenching commercials, they lead people to believe that they are helping homeless and shelter pets. Not that they actually say that but the images imply that. I for 1 no longer donate to the HSUS merely rather donate to shelters and groups that are in the trenches every twenty-four hour period helping abused, neglected and homeless domestic animals. I know they bear witness upwardly at every high contour disaster with their cute trucks embellished with their logo, but once they perform their "rescue" they dump the "rescues" on local shelters, and within a couple of days i'll either go an email from them or see a new ad on tv asking for a donation to help that effort. shame on you HSUS.


Patti11 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Give thanks You lot HSUS for your dedication in fighting for humane legislation and your unwavering delivery to improving the lives of animals everywhere! You are Awesome!!


tanksr Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: one

It has been well documented that less than 3% of the donations received by HSUS actually go to helping animals. The rest goes to anti animal legislation and healthy paychecks to their employees. HSUS spends most of the donations it receives on things other than the actual intendance of animals. According to the Center for Consumer Freedom, afterwards analyzing documents filed with the IRS, the HSUS nerveless $86 one thousand thousand in 2008 and — get this — gave simply a half of i percent ($450,000) of that budget to the care of needy animals.

Furthermore, $20 meg was allocated for legislation, litigation and campaigns. More than $24 one thousand thousand, which is 28 cents of every dollar received past HSUS, was spent on further fundraising!

Perchance fifty-fifty more than alarming is the fact that 41 HSUS employees were paid at least $100,000, and HSUS President Wayne Pacelle's salary was more than $250,000.

Previous Stories


tanksr General Member of the Public

Rating: i

This is not a clemency and their not turn a profit condition is being investigated by the US Gov't. Virtually none of the money they heighten goes to aid animals. They raise money to endeavour to eliminate all animal ownership. Near all of the animals that they do rescue are euthanized. They are null more than than a political group.
Please remove them from this group.


meowz007 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Are you kidding me?? 4 stars? HSUS breaks upward domestic dog-fighting rings and puppy-mills and dumps the animals on local shelters without a dime. They lobby to kill about of the animals they "rescue" such equally th Vick dogs. ot tht that stops them from fund-raising for the animals they aren't contributing to. Until they get defenseless that is. They partnered with dog-fighter Micheal Vick recently too. Anyone who supports this scam is naive or deluded. They are just as bad as PETA! This rating makes me trust this site very picayune.

Review from CharityNavigator

ten Anne Little

Anne Little General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 1

I do non understand how they rate and then high when they spent in 2010- 68 meg on programs and 53 million on fundraising - that is way too much. the ratio should never be more than 25% spent on fundraising.

Review from CharityNavigator


klkm General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I appreciate the work HSUS does to help ALL animals and to tackle systemic forms of beast abuse that local animal shelters but aren't able to accost. I volunteer for my local shelter and I take personally worked alongside HSUS volunteers in direct rescues of animals from hoarding situations and puppy mills. They also rescue dogs and roosters from fighting rings and operate several animal sanctuaries. Those who say that HSUS does aught for homeless animals are just spouting off the talking points crafted by anti-animate being false-charities (The Center for Consumer Freedom and Humane Society for Shelter Pets) funded by industries that profit from brute exploitation. These front groups are the work of Rick Berman, the same terrible homo existence who has attacked other legitimate charities like Mothers Against Boozer Driving. The industries that fund his simulated charities would prefer that you only donate to your local shelter because that means they will never accept to change their abusive business practices. The more they step up their attacks on HSUS, the more I know that HSUS is making important gains for animals. I will continue to support BOTH my local shelter and HSUS because I know they both aid animals in different only equally important ways.

8 Nicole27

Nicole27 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

This rating is completely without merit. The HSUS gives 1℅ of donations to local shelters. The money nerveless from fauna lovers is spent on an creature rights agenda with NO idea given to animate being WELFARE. Delight support your local shelter who exercise the real work to assistance animals.

Review from CharityNavigator

9 Hannah10

Hannah10 Full general Fellow member of the Public

Rating: ane

Why tell us that y'all support Creature Shelters when less and then 5% of your actual income go'due south to shelters? All HSUS is worried about is hiring lawyers and lobbiest. Get out of here. I volition support my local shelter and never support HSUS.

The Humane Society is a top-level and wonderful system. Afterward reading some of the negative comments, it is amazing how many stupid and ignorant people we take in America. The Humane Society helps to go laws passed then those who are evil and ignorant will be held accountable for their actions against animals. If I won millions in the lottery, the Humane Club would exist the first organisation to receive my money, along with the ASPCA, Dogtown, and other like organizations. I only regret that my donations are not enough to promote change, such equally to laissez passer laws that severely punish all who are involved in puppy mills and other inhumane treatment of animals. Information technology's shocking that in 2012, nosotros notwithstanding live amid barbarians in our state, and we have the nervus to call other countries "tertiary globe."


tim0201 General Member of the Public

Rating: 2

I would hope HSUS wouldn't say they're an animate being shelter, since they're not. Just, they do send people door to door raising money for local animals when information technology won't be spent locally. Also, while they're non an animal shelter they do rescue thousands of animals from puppy mills and other unsavory people, of which they euthanize simply nether 85%. No, they're not an animal shelter, they are advocates who are proficient at filming people bludgeoning seals and who stand against puppy mills, pet stores, people who 'ain' pets and un-owned pets in general, since they are invasive species to the environment.

Review from CharityNavigator


Mimi Castillo General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 1

Is terrible when yous donate to an organization that only care almost their money, they practice more impairment that good and their radicals views end being bad for the animals and person.

Review from CharityNavigator

three Dustin B.

Dustin B. Full general Member of the Public

Rating: 1

The Humane Society of the Us is a lobbying organization that essentially wants to ban all confined animals. If information technology were left the the HSUS all animals would be banned and no ane would be able to keep even a dog. I have worked aside HSUS multiple times and all of their volunteers were misinformed and were just trying to make quotas in donations! When a "nonprofit" puts away more money in their pension plans and so they actually give to animal shelters there seems to be a problem. And for anyone saying this is a nonprofit, you should tell Wayne Pacelle that. It definitely seems like he is making a huge profit off of it!


bvalentine66 General Member of the Public

Rating: i

Having had to deal with HSUS employees in the past, they seem to exist rabid in their misled beliefs, quick to disparage anyone with an opposing view and love to spew views that do not hold upwards to scrutiny. They volition not be held dorsum by facts! They don't care almost majoritys, they don't intendance about the needs of animals, they do care about donations, the love donations, donations are power to them, donations pay for their lawyers and their lobbyists. HSUS is a true American terrorist organization

Review from CharityNavigator


LoveCats13 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I've been a supporter of the HSUS for many years. I greatly support the work their squad does to rescue animals from dire situations and place them in loving homes when possible. HSUS rescues not only domestic animals, but wildlife from zoo operators not in compliance with USDA regulations. Animal welfare is of utmost importance, and HSUS cares.


snocrestsibes Full general Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 1

HSUS uses false advertising that they are helping shelter animals, when in reality they donate a very, very small portion of their money to help these animals. They exploited the Michael Vick fighting canis familiaris case to get millions in donations fifty-fifty thought they did not have custody of any of those animals........then they support Michael Vick even though he was convicted of brute cruelty. There is a major contradiction hither.

They as well were the pb agency in the fauna rescue portion of Katrina volunteers. They shipped dogs to shelters all over the U.s.a. and left people in New Orleans hopelessy searching for and non finding their dogs. They stood in the way of people beingness reunited to their love pets.

They likewise push anti-pet legislation, such every bit manditory spay and nueter laws that would touch on responsible breeders who do genitic wellness screenings and take back puppies anytime,. These same laws would non prevent backyard breeders or puppy millers from breeding every bit they stay undercover and don't obey licensing laws anyway. Wayne Pascelle has been widely quoted as saying, "One generation and they're out" when talking about manditory spay/nueter laws.

Nobody want to see animals mistreated, only this organization does not spend your donations they mode their advertising leads y'all to believe.

Below, I clicked some impact, but information technology is negative affect.

Review from CharityNavigator


BitSwt General Member of the Public

Rating: one

DO NOT SUPPORT THE HSUS!!! Here is why...HSUS is a "Humane Guild" in name simply, sharing a meager $527,566, or 0.4 percent of its $120 million upkeep with sheltering organizations nationwide in 2010. In the same year, HSUS spent $47 million in fundraising-related costs (37 percentage of its full budget) and put $32 million in hedge funds... - http://annal.constantcontact​.com/fs024/1103685263837/archi​ve/1108433184606.html


wolf127_25div General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

They employ paid telephone solicitors who are persistent and extremely rude. No respect for your privacy -- got as many equally six, or more than telephone call in one day from 9:01 AM to viii:59 PM. Also, HSUS sells your name, address, etc to other arrangement. I used to donate but later on dealing with their solicitors and arrangement staff'southward lack of ethics, non a penny will go their way!

Review from CharityNavigator

I'm not certain why so many people mutter that the Humane Society isn't just a large fauna shelter. Aye, we should support our local shelters. Nevertheless, we should also back up organizations working for change on a larger scale. We demand better laws to protect animals, and we need people to become more than aware of what is actually going on with animals in our country so that nosotros tin work to make changes. This is what the Humane Society does, and they do it ameliorate than any other animal welfare organization out in that location. I will continue to support them in making a difference for ALL animals.

Review from CharityNavigator


Rosebird General Member of the Public

Rating: five

I count our lucky stars that HSUS is a powerful animal antechamber & recall that's exactly where effort should exist concentrated. LEGISLATION is important and gets to the root of problems afflicting domestic & wild animals. Without powerful animal lobbys, wild & domestic animals are at the mercy of other powerful lobbys like NRA & sportsmen groups.....and yes, they heavily influence domestic/ livestock animate being issues . I commend Wayne Pacelle for his vision and for his potent leadership of the 'PAC' :)


animate being-lover General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Permit's exist honest - H$U$ does NOTHING but enable vegans to modify our world. Their goal - the same as PETA - is to separate humans from the rest of the animal earth - no meat, no eggs, no dairy, no milk, no leather, no wool, no service animals, no drugs based on animals, no creature research, no riding, no fishing, no search-and-rescue animals, no drug sniffing animals AND - lastly - NO PETS!!!!

Ill people who kneel down at an evil altar want to eliminate all domestic animals! That'southward right - they want to remove all choice and force their sick way of life on anybody. Driveling every bit children - in their minds - they hate honey and condolement and companionship.

They are lobbying for laws all over the state that will remove your correct to own an creature. Remember twice nearly giving them whatsoever coin - as bassetboy said - they practise Non help any animate being. They LIE!!! In fact - they are responsible for putting family farms out of business!!!

By the manner - this one star rating is TOOOOoooo loftier for them - but at that place's nothing lower!!!!!!!!

Previous Stories

Equally someone who'south defended the last 3 years to fighting their agenda - I encourage people to turn the other way. They spend NO money on the animals - as compared to their lobbying and paying off politicians. Prop two will 'cause havoc in the California poultry earth - chasing farms out of state, costing millions of dollars to consumers, and generally making eggs less safe to swallow! Good work - H$U$ - you lot are a terrorist organization. And i star is only because the program requires something!


timebider Full general Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I'yard all about animate being WELFARE. Only animate being RIGHTS groups, like HSUS (which is specially egregious since it masquerades so well equally a legitimate welfare organization), will never run across a dime of money from me. Just say NO to groups that don't desire everyone to have a right to keep ANY pets.

I love animals. I am an animal welfare advocate. I do non, notwithstanding, agree with the tactics and stances that HSUS advocates on pet ownership. I will donate my money and fourth dimension to local shelters where I know it can be used.


Outcast General Fellow member of the Public

Rating: 1

Being an exotic pet possessor. I find that my rights to happiness constantly nether attacks by this group, and others similar them, (ie, PETA). If they seriously wanted to help animals out, then they would stop attacking pet buying, and start giving more of their income to small fourth dimension organizations that are actually out in that location giving their fourth dimension and coin to help animals. I lived in Louisiana when hurricane Katrina hit. HSUS did nothing but stay on the Idiot box. Information technology was local organizations that actually took the animals in and helped them out, all without seeing a dime from H$U$.


anerybree General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

HSUS is full of lies! This organization is Not affiliated with local shelters...they do not own any shelters and seldom assist animals in them. They are the wealthiest animal-rights organization on Earth, so why aren't they doing more to assistance animals?

They also wreck havoc on the reptile keeping industry, touting false claims and using scare tactics. Yes, constrictor snakes take accept killed 12 people since 1980. However, dogs have killed 187 people since 1988!!! How can snakes exist the "public wellness gamble" when dogs are inherently more dangerous? Furthermore, HSUS says that a lot of snakes are WC (wild-caught). I personally tin't think of a ophidian I've seen who has been WC...near are Convict bred, just like dogs and cats have breeders! I've likewise never known anyone to get Salmonella, and I am constantly surrounded by a reptile community. Snakes Exercise make skilful pets, HSUS is full of lies!

They are, predominantly, an anti-pet arrangement. One time they manage to make having exotic pets illegal, don't remember that they won't go after your dogs and cats.

HSUS is Not what you think it is.


HerpKeeper General Member of the Public

Rating: ane

As a long time pet reptile keeper, I am aware that this anti pet, anti farm livestock arrangement has A LOT of money to promote their agenda! I practise not begrudge whatever group the free spoken communication to promote their views, even when opposed to mine. But I Practice detect it extremely deceitful to garner huge donations by commercials featuring sad eyed puppies and kittens, implying that donations get to assist abased, shelter animals. In fact, virtually no coin goes towards shelters. (Call your local humane lodge shelter and enquire for yourself - I did!).

If lobbying and politics are the goal, so change commercials and ads to reverberate that. Virtually donors love their pets and would non donate equally they do if they knew the true agenda, and the anti pet true nature of this group.

If you lot have a pet reptile, even an innocuous footling turtle or cadger, be certain to read the final page of the reptile book published past HSUS. It appears to exist a volume to help reptile keepers, only they state in no uncertain terms that they wish to outlaw the whole hobby. Don't think that your pet cats and dogs are condom once all of the easy pickings (exotics) are banned.


Duff General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

The HSUS is simply a politcal front for the anti-pet entrance hall. The tear jerker commercials are their manner of raising as much money to put into lobbying as possible. Delight, DO Not confuse HSUS with your local humane lodge that actually DOES work for the animals.


Tavia Full general Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Ask virtually any local Humane Society, do they receive any founding from this "non-turn a profit" organisation? No! Yet they tin spend quite a bit of money on tear jerker advertisements to solicit money from people under the assumption that it actually helps private, real animals. If that isn't a scam, I don't know what is!

iv Abigail23

Abigail23 Full general Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I attended the book bout of Wayne Pacelle in Boston MA. The person I listened to and met there was a person who genuinely cares virtually animals. Not just dogs and cats, merely every brute. The Humane Society of the United States is constantly and tirelessly trying to make the earth a ameliorate place for all animals. I am a proud supporter of the Humane Society of the United states because the passion that runs through Wayne Pacelle runs through the unabridged arrangement.


biabea General Member of the Public

Rating: v

The HSUS combats cruelty from all angles: on-site rescues, investigations, helping to alter laws to prevent cruelty ("lobbying"), shelter educational activity, spay/neuter programs, disaster rescue. Their full-on approach encompasses all animals, from companion pets to livestock... no one beast is less deserving of humane treatment than another, they all feel hurting the same way. Information technology is this well-rounded and all-encompassing approach that makes me a support of the HSUS. Their accomplishments are zero short of amazing. Every bit an animal lover, I am very grateful to have these guys on my side!

Previous Stories


biabea General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The HSUS is a strong, unwavering voice for all animals. Many people would prefer that the HSUS but focus on shelter pets, which I concur is an important task, merely that is non HSUS mission. HSUS fights to protect ALL animals, not just the ones we call our pets, just also the ones we eat, the ones we run across at the circus, the ones who live in the wild, the ones who are being affected correct now by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. HSUS works to close down canis familiaris-fighting rings, put an end to puppy mills and aid better the welfare of livestock. People that post about HSUS non putting plenty money into shelters are simply non seeing the whole picture and the entire mission of the HSUS. ALL animals deserve protection, not but our pets.

Review from Guidestar


FarmGal General Member of the Public

Rating: one

HSUS needs to use their money on the animals go along their unresearched emotional pleas out of Washington and OUT of our homes! If it were up to HSUS nosotros'd take no property rights! Get away HSUS!

4 Tara S.

Tara Southward. General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

This "Charity" is a scam! They merely donate .5 per centum of their profits to actual creature welfare! The majority of their money is spent on lobbiest! They are a polictical animal rights group with the same agenda every bit PETA. They wish to ban the ownership of all pets...starting now with the exotics. And I don't just mean cobras...they are trying to ban all exotic birds (like parakeets and canaries), frogs, reptiles, even HAMTERS! Seriously. Await at a group called HumaneWatch for the real truth. They are trying to elimnate cattle ranching, craven farming, and all other sourses of "animal slaverly". They have been pulling the wool over america's eyes TOO long! End falling for the lies!
Your dollars are not going to animals...they are going to extremist beast rights groups!


MVMeehan General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I dislike HSUS because: they practice not sponsor whatever sanctuary straight, they are a lobbying group.
Likewise, they pay their executives far too much of my hard-earned money.
A half million dollars PLUS for a president who is so full of himself!???
One who CLAIMS to work for the do good of the animals, yet befriends and speaks highly of a FELON. (Michael Vick, who did not serve plenty time for his crimes.)

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