Funny Phrases With the Word Monkey

Are you looking for some good monkey idioms?

If so, you are in the right place.

In this post, we are going to look at 27 Monkey Idioms and how to use them.

monkey idioms

27 Monkey Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples)

1. As Clever As A Wagonload Of Monkeys

  • Meaning: used to describe a group of people that are known to be mischievous.
  • Use In A Sentence: Keep an eye on those three is they sit together during lunch. They are as clever as a wagonload of monkeys.

2. As Funny As A Barrel Of Monkeys

  • Meaning: Someone who is funny.
  • Use In A Sentence: Tom was cracking jokes all morning. That guy is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.

3. A Monkey On One's Back

  • Meaning: a problem that one has difficulty getting rid of or solving.
  • Use In A Sentence: I am so glad to get this monkey off my back. I having been working on this project for 2 months straight. It sure does feel good to finish it.

4. More Fun Than A Barrel Of Monkeys

  • Meaning: a person or a group of people that are fun to be around.
  • Use In A Sentence: Who should I invite to the party? Let's invite Tom, Jessica, and Diane. They are more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

5. Brass Monkey Weather

  • Meaning: used to describe extremely cold or extremely hot weather.
  • Use In A Sentence: Wow, it is cold today! This is what I call brass monkey weather.

6. Cheeky Monkey

  • Meaning: used to describe a person who is mischievous or silly.
  • Use In A Sentence: Cameron is a bit of a cheeky monkey. He always hides the cookie jar when his brother isn't looking.

7. Don't Monkey Around With Me

  • Meaning: in other words, don't try to fool me or don't try to trick me.
  • Use In A Sentence: Don't monkey around with me! I know what is going on here. You are planning a surprise party, aren't you?

8. To Get One's Monkey Up

  • Meaning: to make a person angry.
  • Use In A Sentence: Sorry Steve, I didn't mean to get your monkey up. It was just a joke.
grease monkey - monkey idioms

9. A Grease Monkey

  • Meaning: a mechanic.
  • Use In A Sentence: I am going to take my car down to Harry's. He is the best grease monkey in town. He will fix it up in no time.

10. I Don't Give A Monkey's

  • Meaning: a rude way to say you are not interested in something or you don't care about it.
  • Use In A Sentence: I don't give a monkey's what your Uncle said to you. Get down there and finish the job!

11. If You Pay Peanuts, You Get Monkeys

  • Meaning: if you pay low wages you can't expect to get the best most skilled workers.
  • Use In A Sentence: Well, if you want better workers you need to offer a better wage. Remember, if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

12. I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle

  • Meaning: an expression used when one is surprised or amazed.
  • Use In A Sentence: Well I'll be a monkey's Uncle. George finally got married! I can't believe it!
left handed monkey wrench - monkey idioms

13. A Left-Handed Monkey Wrench

  • Meaning: a non-existent tool. Oftentimes it is used to trick someone, especially someone new on the job.
  • Use In A Sentence: Do you see this nut right here? We are going to need a left-handed monkey wrench to tighten it. Can you go find me one?

14. Like Stink On A Monkey

  • Meaning: to do something very quickly.
  • Use In A Sentence: Wow he works fast. He fixed my computer like stink on a monkey. I'll be sure to hire him again in the future.

15. Like A Monkey On A Stick

  • Meaning: used to describe a person who is restless.
  • Use In A Sentence: I don't know what his problem is. He can't sit still. He has been like a monkey on a stick all morning. It is hard to keep up with him.

16. To Make A Monkey Out Of Someone

  • Meaning: to do something that would make one appear foolish or ridiculous.
  • Use In A Sentence: I know David really like Susan, but he is just making a monkey out of himself by telling her those stupid jokes.

17. To Monkey Around

  • Meaning: to waste time; to fool around.
  • Use In A Sentence: The movie isn't until 5:00 so we've decided to monkey around downtown for a bit. Want to come?

18. A Monkey Bite

  • Meaning: a mark left by a kiss; a hickey.
  • Use In A Sentence: Jen walked in with a big fat monkey bite on her neck. She should have worn a turtleneck but apparently it was not as big of a deal to her as it was to her co-workers.

19. Monkey Business

  • Meaning: to do something silly.
  • Use In A Sentence: If you don't stop all this monkey business, I will turn the car around this instant!

20. Monkey In The Middle

  • Meaning: a game in which you try to keep away an object from a person. To play keep away.
  • Use In A Sentence: I don't want to play monkey in the middle. I am always the monkey and its not fair.
monkey swill - monkey idioms

21. Monkey Swill

  • Meaning: low-quality alcohol. It can also be used to describe alcohol that is unusually strong.
  • Use In A Sentence: Where did you buy this stuff? I like whiskey, but not this monkey swill. Remind me not to buy this brand again.

22. Monkeys Might Fly Out Of My Butt

  • Meaning: an expression used to describe something that has little to no chance of ever happening.
  • Use In A Sentence: I have my doubts. I think monkeys might fly out of my butt before that ever happens. I will believe it when I see it.

23. Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey

  • Meaning: a slow and careful way to resolve a problem.
  • Use In A Sentence: We have to go about this very slowly but carefully. If we do it right, he will fall right into our trap – softly, softly, catchee monkey.
a monkey knows how to climb a tree - monkey idioms

24. Every / A Monkey Knows What Tree To Climb

  • Meaning: used to describe a person that is experienced in a particular field and knows what to do and what do avoid.
  • Use In A Sentence: Please trust me. This isn't my first time doing this, I know what I am doing. Every monkey knows what tree to climb right?

25. Monkey See, Monkey Do

  • Meaning: an expression used to describe someone who has imitated another person usually without thinking. It often results in the person looking foolish.
  • Use In A Sentence: I can't believe he did that. What was he thinking? Well, monkey see, monkey do.

26. Monkey Talk

  • Meaning: unintelligible speech.
  • Use In A Sentence: I could tell the doctors gave her some strong medicine. When I went into her room, all I heard was monkey talk. She was definitely out of it.

27. Monkey Suit

  • Meaning: a tuxedo.
  • Use In A Sentence: I really like my job, I just wish that I didn't have to wear this silly monkey suit. I would prefer to wear more comfortable clothes like a pair of khakis and a button up.

There you have it! 27 monkey idioms! Which one is your favorite? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.



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